Saturday, November 29, 2008


This blog will focus on my interests in sewing and knitting. I have been doing both for over 40 years and continue to derive great pleasure from both activities. I knit or sew everyday if possible. If I can't do either, I feel that something is missing from my day. If I go several days without knitting or sewing, I start to go into withdrawal! I made the mistake once of going on vacation without a project in tow and found myself twiddling my thumbs and reaching for my non-existent knitting. I never went away from home again without something to work on in my bag.

I am fortunate to work at a wonderful fabric store in Albany, NY. We sell all sorts of fabrics, including upholstery and home dec fabrics, quilting fabric, wools and suitings, velvets and velveteens, and satins and silks. We carry Patons and Bernat yarns in many weights and fibers. I find myself wanting so many fabrics and yarns for all the projects in my head. Everyday at work, I discover some bolt of fabric or skein of yarn that calls my name and begs to be purchased. I have to steel myself to resist, getting vicarious pleasure from our customers' purchases.

If all works well here in Blogland, I hope to have some pictures of projects, finished and otherwise, to post.